
Brindabella Christian College

Adero Law is offering pro-bono representation to all staff of Brindabella Christian College (BCC) for the purpose of collecting staff data and to be able to negotiate a restructure of BCC that will ensure the School’s long term survival.

Please register your details by emailing BCCStaff@aderolaw.com.au. Once you have sent us an email, you will be forwarded a link within 24 hours to a secure registration page that will complete a verification of identity and collect current wage payment data.

It will also contain a brief survey that will provide your individual instructions to Adero Law as to your preference for a future school caretaker board, future constitutional reform of the School, and proposals to negotiate a financial package to avoid the closure of the BCC.

Your details and instructions will be kept strictly confidential, and your name will not be shared with any third party (unless you provide written consent in the future). All information will only be shared as an aggregate summary of instructions with no identification of individuals (e.g. X% of staff support the following outcomes).

This service is free to each staff member and no costs will be raised or invoiced by Adero.

You are not committing to any court process or other litigation step by entering this registration. Any further steps or instructions taken in this matter will occur after further consultation with registered staff, and individual written instructions.

Registering your details does not exclude you from protections or actions taken by the Independent Education Union.

Statement of Independence – Adero Law also confirms that it was previously retained for the ReformBCC Association, but that retainer ended post the incorporation of the Association. Adero Law no longer acts for any third party involved at BCC and does not have any other obligations or commitment that would pre-determine or bind the firm or its staff to a particular outcome for the School and its Staff.